KPI items and related measures for mobile game apps

I summarized the KPI to be mainly used when operating the smartphone game app.
Considering marketing and monetizing, various KGI is assumed,
I tried to set the KPI when KGI was a sales.
Therefore, KPI related to expenses and purchases are not included.
In the field, I think that these cost-related items (such as customer acquisition cost CAC) will also be necessary.

When we think about measures in game operation, the main focus is to implement measures to change the "user's state".
Usually, I create KPI trees and associate relationships with them, but they are introduced quite a bit on other sites.
So, I tried to classify the KPI in the state of each user (shown below). I would like to explain each term by referring to the figure below.

What does KGI/KPI mean?

I also summarize KGI and KPI in a simple way.


Key Goal Indicator

A numerical goal that shows the results to be achieved.
I think that items related to the final goal such as profit, sales, and expense are often set.
Set KPI as a numerical target to achieve the KGI set here.


Key Performance Indicators

It is a correlated index of the data, processes, actions, etc. required to achieve the above KGI.
Wouldn't it be easier to say a more specific numerical goal?
With only KGI settings, it is unclear what can be achieved and how the current project will be in the right direction.
Measure KGI progress by achieving KPI numerical targets by setting specific KPI.
I summarized the KPI which is often used in smartphone game app operation in the figure above.

KPI commentary related to the number of users

Because it is the entrance to the app, the main is the number obtained by the data provided by each service, not the calculation.
This will be the most based number.

Number of users

The number of accounts registered with the mobile app.
It is the number of people registered from the start of the service until now.
If you don't automatically delete the account registrer, it will accumulate and increase.
It is further classified as "new user", "comeback user", etc.
In fact, in more detail, KPIs such as "Daily New Users" and "Monthly New Users" are often set.


The number of apps that have been downloaded.

Store Organic Inflows

The number of apps that have been searched or introduced from the app store, etc. and the app has been downloaded.
Inflows that are almost intertwined with in-game measures.
In addition, the number of inflows that can not be followed what was searched as a trigger.

AD inflows

In-app ads and other affiliates of other games, etc.
I think that there is a wide range of types even if it is called an advertisement, but the number of users who flowed in from the advertisement.
In many cases, KPIs are set separately for each advertising measure.

Measures related to AD inflows
In-Game AD

SNS inflows

Inflows from social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.
There are also many games that carry out tweets campaigns on Twitter.
In addition, as a measure after the influx, there is also an app that has been implemented, such as measures to encourage registration to SNS of the app.

Measures related to SNS inflows
Return Campaigns
Pre-registration Campaigns
Discord Community
In-game currency and item distribution by SNS registration

KPI commentary related to the number of active users

Active Users (AU)

It will be KPI of the number of users who launched the app, including new users and comeback users.
Basically, the number of active users is the same as the number of active users per DAU (Daily Active Users) day.
Just like DAU, the active user is further subdivided and set as a KPI such as "Weekly/Monthly Active User".

Daily Active Users (DAU)

The number of users who launched the app at least once in a 24-hour time.
The more people actually use the app, the more opportunities for billing and ad viewing, so it's important to have KPIs.

In-game measures related to DAU
Login Bonuses
Daily Quests

X-Day Continuation Users

It is a KPI that is particularly important in game apps.
KPI will be set by the number of days of continuation, such as 3 days, 7 days continuation, 1 month continuation, etc.
The continuation user will be the user who is launching the app on a day-by-day.
Users who are active every day tend to be more satisfied with the game and less likely to leave.
On the contrary, when the number of continuous login users decreases, it will appear seriously in DAU and billing sales.
Most successful apps use a large percentage of measures to increase the number of continuous users.

In-game measures related to X-day users
Consecutive Login Bonuses
Weekly Quests
Add reward items
Distribution of in-game currency and items for a period
Add period reward items

X-time logged-in users

The number of users who log in more than once a day.
With game apps, there are measures such as getting rewards over time, and I think that there are many cases where the number of user logins and playing time are measured as KPIs.

In-game measures related to X-time logged-in users
Number of plays recovery system
Timed event
Offline (AFK) rewards
Queue box

Fixing rate

( DAU / MAU ) x 30

It measures in about 30 days. Calculate how many times a user is accessing as an active user in a month.
The monthly average DAU is used.
MAU stands for Monthly Active Users.
In some cases, such as "retention rate" is set as the relevant KPI.
"Retention rate" may be the main case.

KPI commentary related to the number of billing users

Paid Users

The number of users who are actually charged.
It is often omitted as PU or PUU.
Each is the initials of "Paid User" and "Paid Unique User".

In-game measures related to Paid Users
Beginner's Billing Pack
Added functionality

Average Revenue Per Paid User

Total charge/Number of paid user

Take the initials "Average Revenue Per Paid User" and omit it as ARPPU.
If this number is higher in numbers, the unit price of customers will increase, and it is KPI that is important because it leads to final sales.
If the number of billing users and the average billing cost increase on the KPI item, sales will increase.

In-game measures related to Average Revenue Per Paid User
STEP up billing (e.g., beginner pack purchase→ intermediate pack purchase→ luxury pack purchase)

Billing rate

Billing Rate , PUU/DAU

In general, we ask for the percentage of active users who are charged on a daily basis.
By looking at the billing rate, it is easier for in-game users to compare with other projects.
It can also be used as an indicator to find user trends by looking for billing rates for each product in the game.

KPI commentary related to advertising

More and more ads-related KPIs are closing important positions in game monetizing.
The nature of KPIs varies from game to game, so keep it a brief introduction.
By looking at AD, it's common to give benefits to users.
In addition, as advertising charges are in place, sales will be generated even for non-charged users.

Ad viewers

The number of times the user has viewed the ad.

Ad unit price

There are various patterns of ad unit price.
For example,
"Ad unit price per 1000 displays (CPM Cost Per Mille)"
and so on.

Average sales

When considering advertising, the average sales amount is also important in addition to ARPPU.
It stands for "Average Revenue Per User" and is abbreviated as ARPU.
You can ask for the percentage of revenue from your ads for sales, or you'll be further subdivided to set KPIs.
Specific measures will focus on the increase in the number of ad viewers.