All Wanderers Location[Dungeon Encounters]

This is a reminder of Dungeon Encounters.
This is a list of the locations of the first characters who are missing and whose coordinates are not known.
If you acquire and set the “Wanderer Tracking” ability on the 18th underground level, it will tell you the number of steps to the nearest companion.
They also have equipment and other items, so be sure to find them.
Note:The English name might be wrong.

List of answers to map riddles
List of answers to math riddles
List of Exploration Abilities and Battle Abilities

List of whereabouts of Wanderers

NAME(Lv) STATUS Coordinate(Z.Y.X)
Gracia(Lv7) 08.59.39
McAllie(Lv12) unable to fight 12.53.16
Ilbertha(Lv16) 16.29.33
Nalpurna(Lv22) Petrification 22.21.53
Jufren(Lv27) 27.91.33
Houk Gau(Lv34) unable to fight 34.35.84
Modenali(Lv39) unable to fight 39.42.75
Jorath(Lv43) 43.48.18
K-2000 (Lv50) unable to fight 49.34.88
Ntleyana(Lv52) unable to fight 52.68.39
Sir Cat(Lv60) 58.41.41
Auyue(Lv61) unable to fight 61.45.50
Valtoro(Lv80) Petrification 78.77.19
Everethe(Lv87) unable to fight “FE” coordinates

List of answers to map riddles
List of answers to math riddles
List of Exploration Abilities and Battle Abilities