[Archero]Game analysis and monetization

App basic information

Rating 4.7
Archer Heroes! Enter a world where existence itself is out to eliminate you! You are the Lone Archer, the only force able to resist and defeat the oncoming waves of evil. Step up, stack up awesome skills and fight like your life depends on it, for the never-ending waves of enemies will never give up. And remember, once you die... the only way is to start all again! So be careful! Enjoy creating countless combinations of unique skills all designed to help you survive. Crawl your way through different worlds facing relentless monsters and obstacles. Key Features: • Random and unique skills to help you crawl these dungeons. • Explore beautiful worlds and hundreds of maps in this new universe. • Thousands of never-seen-before monsters and mind-boggling obstacles to defeat • Level-up and equip yourself with powerful equipment to increase your stats. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us anytime at: archero@habby.fun Details on Subscriptions 1. Subscription Pricing & Billing You can subscribe within the game for ‘Subscription Privileges’, for $2.99 a calendar month. 2. Subscription Content Subscribers can enjoy the following privileges during the period: - Daily Quick Raids +3 - Daily BattlePass XP +50 - Daily Bonus Gems +50 3. Auto Renewals The App Store Subscription feature renews automatically via your iTunes Account. Users can manage the subscription through your iTunes/Apple ID Settings Manager. The subscription will auto-renew for the assigned billing period if the auto-renew feature is not turned off 24 hours before the current subscription expires. 4. User Agreement and Privacy Policy User Agreement https://www.habby.com/termsOfSubscription.html Privacy Statement https://www.habby.fun/privacyPolicy.html 5. Subscription Cancellation If you would like to cancel your subscription, go to ‘Settings’ on your iOS device --> ‘iTunes & App Store’ --> tap ‘Apple ID’ and then ‘View Apple ID’. Enter ‘Account Settings’, tap ‘Subscriptions’ --> ‘Manage’ and select the subscription for ‘Archero’ to cancel it.


Schematic diagram


Monetization structure analysis

Non-charged and micro-biller areas

Archero is made easy to play with non-billers.For better or worse, the action part is important for the player's skill, so to some extent, it is possible to proceed with skill.
No chargers have no way of getting a billing character.However, even if it is not a billing character, there are a lot of playable characters.
Players in this area will be mainly profitable in the game and in the shop.

Billing element, main is growth promotion type

The main billing factor is character billing.
Characters that can only be obtained by billing, slightly better performance than the non-charged character, it will help the main content capture, such as story capture.
Since the character is not in the root box (Gacha) format, there is no need to pay for waste.
You can get equipment from the treasure chest of the root box-like shop.
The main billing factor is "growth promotion", which makes it a gentle one that doesn't require much charge to enjoy playing.
However, I feel that the tempo of the game is a little bad for "video advertising (AD)" that exists even during play.

billing contents list

Summary of types of monetization in-game purchases

In-Game ads
Limited-time effect
Add season reward items
Character Free-to-Play
Reinforcement pack
In-Game money